Erinnern Sie sich noch an Jim Carrey? Der Schauspieler war in seiner Hochzeit der König der Gesichtsakrobatik. Unfassbar, wie er seine Muskeln zu grotesken Grimassen verziehen lassen konnte...
Discover our products
Bernd Kuhs from Lörrach has been researching innovative cellular cosmetics since the mid-90s. His latest creation, the biomembrane, is considered a quantum leap in the field of dermatological cosmetic products: It imitates the lamellar structure of skin fat and therefore ensures optimal skin absorption of all active ingredients in creams, masks and serums.
nature, refined
48grams stands for cosmetic products that combine the latest scientific findings with the healing power of nature. Because innovation is the basis of our success: We develop highly effective products for every skin need from valuable plant-based ingredients.
Trust in the healing power of nature, which is in each of our products: Our natural, holistic care offers you a wide variety of valuable plant ingredients that provide your skin with an extra portion of moisture and important nutrients.
We manufacture our products in harmony with nature, people and animals. First class organic quality is a must. We do not use animal or chemical additives or preservatives. We create cosmetics of the highest purity that pamper and nourish even sensitive skin.
48grams stands for revolutionary natural cosmetics, the combination of the best ingredients and innovative engineering. Our masks, pads and creams all contain the highly effective biomembrane, a new development that transports large quantities of nutrients and vital substances to the deepest layers of the skin. The effect: a long-lasting organic high with noticeably younger skin. Treat yourself to the biomembrane effect