Oligo-Hyaluron: The super stuff of anti-aging professionals

Oligo-Hyaluron: Der Superstoff der Anti-Aging-Profis

Is there a panacea for aging? A substance that tricks biology and preserves youth into old age? Anyone who relates these questions to the whole body will certainly have to be patient for another 100 years with the answer.But if it's "only" about the face - a smooth, fresh, radiant face - you can already rely on hyaluronic acid today.To be more precise, on oligo-hyaluron.At 48grams, we swear by the polysaccharide with the smallest molecular chains.So it's no surprise that most of our products contain two percent of this liquid anti-aging gold.

Lots of sleep, good food, Oligo

So here is another blog entry about the ingredients of the 48grams line: After mastic oil, edelweiss extract and OPC - all champions in the Revitalization Miracle class - so now oligo-hyaluron.But before we go into detail, first some basic information.Up to the age of 25 on average, you, like women, need to do almost nothing for your body.At least not if you are healthy, eat (reasonably) sensibly, alcohol is a rare sin and your body gets its ideal eight hours of sleep per night.

Six liters of liquid per gram of hyaluron

Let's take 25 as the starting point: It's around then that processes in the body begin that are no longer reversible.In three words: we are getting old.The fact that aging soon manifests itself optically is the fault of an endogenous substance: hyaluronic acid.This polysaccharide, i.e. a sugar molecule, isaintegral part of connective tissue (or cartilage, ligaments and synovial fluid).One gram of hyaluronic acid binds up to six liters of liquid – i.e. 6000 times its weight(!).That's a pretty big amount.In the skin, hyaluronic acid therefore acts as a water reservoir; keeps them elastic and supple.It would be too nice if this function were to be retained into old age.But - as mentioned - in the mid-20s, the production of the substance decreases continuously.At some point we see the result in the mirror.The less moisture in the skin, the less healthy it looks.The dryness causes small cracks or wrinkles.If you don't do anything to counteract this, you can literally watch yourself age.We at the 48grams blog can hardly imagine that anyone would really want that.

Against neurodermatitis and roazea

Hyaluron is not only the super substance among anti-aging agents, the modes of action are even more diverse: the sugar molecules help against redness and burns, relieve feelings of tension in various skin diseases (includingneurodermatitis or rosacea) and generally promote wound healing processes.Skincare pope Bernd Kuhs (the creator of the 48grams products) explains: “Hyaluron is an absolute all-rounder – and compatible with every skin type.It was me in the formulation of creams, sera or Masks important that users have the full range of healing powers on orget in the skin.” This now explains why Bernd Kuhs has included the most valuable hyaluron in his formulations in a two percent strength...

Against dryness, from deep within the skin

... because oligo differs significantly from the other polysaccharide types.It supports the skin's protective barrier, ensures cell protection, promotes the regulation of the skin's metabolism and protects the tissue from harmful radicals.Kuhs: “Oligo is therefore a hyperactive substance that can penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and form a reservoir there that slowly works from the inside out.This achieves a lasting effect that no other type of hyaluronic acid creates.”

So tiny, so effective

Why this is so can be explained using the children's game of "hide and seek": only those who fit into the smallest corners and narrowest entrances will hide long enough and win the game.For everyone else it's game over.This is also the case with oligo compared to “normal” hyaluronic acid.Everyone can take part - but only one is the winner.In principle, of course, any form of hyaluronic acid helps better than no support for the skin at all.But the so-called "high-molecular hyaluronic acid" has a significantly larger mass, namely 1.500kD.As an explanation, it should be mentioned here: kD stands for the size of the molecules.The result of high-molecular or long-chain hyaluron is therefore: It cannot penetrate the skin barrier - but forms a moisturizing film on the surface.That's quite good - it prevents the loss of the skin's own moisture to a certain extent.To stay with the game of hide-and-seek: Here the participant may be hiding behind a tree or in the next room.

The size makes the difference

So let's come to number 2: the low-molecular (or short-chain) hyaluronic acid.After all, only 50kD small, the molecule penetrates the skin - and stores moisture there.Not bad at all - because the fabric is now padded from the inside out and also looks much tighter.If you try the hide-and-seek example again: The participant has holed up in the closet or under the couch.

Oligo-hyaluron - nothing works better

But now back to the winner: the oligo-hyaluron.Here, the molecule size is just 5kD - so it's tiny compared to the other species.This form of the polysaccharide cannot be stopped, it makes it to the deepest layers of the skin.There it builds up reservoirs - i.e. areas full of hyaluronic acid, which are only slowly released towards the surface.This means that a truly sustainable effect has been achieved.And not only that: the oligo even ensures that the body's own hyaluron production is improved again.

Background of a discovery

Finally - for those who are interested - some information about the discovery and origin of hyaluronic acid.Vegans can already be reassured: the products used today consist of fermented yeast and corn proteins.But when the physicians Karl Meyer and John Palmer discovered the miracle substance in 1934, they did so in the eye fluid of cattle.However, the actual use only began 8 years later - with the registration of a patent: hyaluronic acid was used as a protein substitute in baking.It was not until 1981 that the sugar molecules were used medicinally.