Rosacea - care, therapy, but no cure

Rosazea – Pflege, Therapie, aber keine Heilung

It is mistaken for acne or "red cheeks"; in fact, it initially looks like healthy skin - after drinking a hard drink or after staying in great heat.This is what makes it so difficult to distinguish rosacea from a normal reddening of the skin on the face.Especially since the skin disease quickly disappears in the first phase.We at the 48grams blog have some affected people in the area.No wonder - almost four million Germans suffer from the chronic disorder.The number of unreported cases, dermatologists estimate, is likely to be significantly higher for the reasons mentioned above.The bad news: no cure has yet been found.But there are ways to alleviate it.At least a small glimmer of hope.Because the optical suffering is increasingly becoming a psychological one.

From acne to a bulbous nose

Rosacea is one of the tissue changes that still pose numerous mysteries to medical professionals, even after years of research.So far, only the course has been precisely explored.More details on that later in this article.It is also statistically proven who is affected more often: mostly adults between the ages of 30 and 30.and 50Age; here significantly more women than men.However, only men suffer from a form of rosacea that leads to a dramatic lump formation in the nose.In addition, dark-skinned people rarely suffer from the skin change, while light-skinned people tend to do so more often.But why exactly these groups? Good question, next question.It is assumed that a certain genetic predisposition triggers the disease - in interaction with neurological factors, which in turn are triggered by external influences.

UV, stress, alcohol and spicy food

Yes, it doesn't get any more specific than that.Except for the so-called "external influences".Scientists have identified the following: strong UV radiation, long sunbathing, heat, cold, hot baths, sauna, stress, vasodilating drugs, alcohol, nicotine and spicy dishes.One could say: very much of what is part of our everyday life.So if you want to eliminate risk factors, you now know the list.

The four stages of rosacea:

Rosacea usually manifests itself in four phases.Which does not have to mean that each stage follows directly on the next - and that there are chronologically recognizable processes.Rosacea diathesis (the early stage) can make itself visible several times in a row - and only after a longer break does the disease progress to the next stage.Dermatologists have long recognized that the skin disease comes in waves:

rosacea diathesis:

In the beginning, rosacea is still the epitome of grandma's "But you have such beautiful red cheeks".However, the soft glow does not only appear on the cheeks, but also on the chin, the middle of the forehead or on the nose.Rarely, the neck or the base of the chest are affected.As quickly as the discolouration appears, it usually disappears again.A word of warning: If you discover red spots on your face for the first time, you shouldn't panic right away.Even healthy tissue is sometimes irritated.However, if the redness occurs more frequently, a doctor's appointment is mandatory.Because it threatens...

… erythematous-telangiectatic rosacea:

This is how the first severity is scientifically named.The otherwise fleeting redness remains permanently visible.Over time, a recognizable vein pattern forms in the discolored areas.This aggravation is usually accompanied by itching or burning; it is also possible that the skin becomes very dry and flaky.A doctor must help now at the latest, it will soon come to...

…papulopustular rosacea:

The additional designation "Papulopustulosa" is derived from the terms papula (German:: nodules) and pustula (dtsch.: pus blisters).That's really not appetizing - but unfortunately a very accurate description.In the reddened areas, pustules develop, which in the worst case can develop into lymphedema – i.e. small pockets with fluid.Again, the symptoms may disappear after a while.As a result, this stage of rosacea is often confused with acne.After several episodes, the critical phase 3 occurs, which …

… glandular hyperplastic rosacea:

This most severe form causes those affected to suffer from bulbous growths.The so-called phymes develop on the sebaceous glands and cause an extremely lasting and painful change in the face.Those affected usually feel an extreme psychological burden; it is not uncommon for a psychologist to be consulted here.At this stage, however, there is still a distinction that only affects men.Rosacea leads to what is popularly referred to as a "pimple nose"; the growths are expressed on the nose.

The therapy, the care products

Phew, that doesn't read all that nice.But now to the “good news”.Even if the disease cannot be cured, there are treatment options.The preliminary stage in particular is very easy to treat. Care products with rich aloe vera, mastic oil or edelweiss extracts can alleviate the effects.If you don’t just want to use natural remedies, you should have anti-inflammatory creams with active ingredients such as tetracycline or azelaic acid prescribed.If the disease has already progressed to the first or second stage, laser treatments (IPL) provide good results.The concentrated beam of light eliminates redness and vasodilation.If the rosacea flare-up is particularly bad - more than a stage 3 seems like - then a doctor can also help with antibiotics.

Rescue using old home remedies

Old home remedies also have a supportive effect in all stages.Honey is said to have a particularly soothing effect.The "liquid gold" has an antibacterial effect and thus ensures a clear disinfection of the skin.Application is simple: apply honey to the reddened areas and leave on for up to 30 minutes.Then wash off with warm water.The effect should be visible after just a few applications.The same handling applies to the use of fresh aloe.Allow the gel to dry and then rinse thoroughly.Experts also recommend external use of fresh green tea.Simply soak a cotton cloth in the lukewarm liquid and place it on your face for five minutes.Twice a day.Here, too, relief should set in soon.

Rosacea and the intestinal flora

Finally, back to the triggering factors.According to recent studies, rosacea patients are ten times more likely to suffer from intestinal problems or diseases than the rest of the population.The realization that the tissue disease is related to intestinal health can be regarded as a fact.Doctors therefore recommend an anti-inflammatory diet.Sugar and fat must be reduced to a minimum, sausages and an excess of milk products as well as coffee or soft drinks are also on the list to avoid.Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, have positive effects.Basically, a vegan diet is considered helpful for rosacea sufferers.