Say goodbye to dark circles

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In South Korea, when bowing to greet or say goodbye, you must lean forward about 20 degrees with your eyes on the floor.A gesture of respect.Knowing this, we should all - at least in our minds - take a few degrees more protection... from a Korean research team that gave us a first-aid tool for our beautiful eyes around 20 years ago: the eye pad .

The nasty surprise in the morning

Who doesn't know this: The night was long, waking up the next morning was difficult.And looking in the mirror made it worse.Dark circles under the eyes.Shimmering bluish to black, accompanied by visibly swollen bags under the eyes.Yes, beautiful is different.Nobody wants to start the day like that.But unfortunately there are a number of reasons why an otherwise radiant view looks rather foggy over the world.Alcohol, of course, is back at the top of the list of beauty stressors.But also fatty and high-salt food (especially in the evening) become visible the next morning.There are also emotional setbacks, i.e. psychological stress, overwork, poor sleep - and, as you can imagine, the natural aging of the skin.However, the list only becomes complete when various diseases are mentioned: Because problems with the heart, kidneys and liver often change the oxygen content of the blood, shades also often occur in what is by far the thinnest skin zone that we humans have: the tissue under the skin Eyes.

The many reasons for eye shadows

And here the "culprit" is already identified.Because if this layer weren't so fine, we might all only know the term dark circles as a possible trend in sunglasses.Unfortunately, the facts are different - and medicine also has good explanations for this.The dark areas arise u.adue to insufficient removal of the lymph fluid.The reasons mentioned above create congestion, especially under the eyes.As a consequence, the (bluish) blood vessels dilate and shine through the thin skin.Other reasons are: Poor sleep or excessive computer work.Both cause overstraining of the eye muscles and thus increased blood circulation, ergo, there is a shine-through effect.

So let's get back to the Korean scientists.Without wanting to belittle their performance... but actually they just brought together what belongs together.They took over the positive effects of face masks, based the contact surfaces on the shape of the eyes and added aloe vera and hyaluronic acid.Admittedly, this is a very short description, but it is enough to understand the principle.

Say yes to eye pads...always!

Today, eye pads are part of the basic dermatological-cosmetic equipment.Because in contrast to ordinary creams and serums, the mini masks also have a cooling effect (especially if you put them in the fridge for 20 minutes before use).In summary, they ensure that the eye muscles can relax, that the often dry under-eye skin is strengthened with moisture and thus also gets an anti-aging boost.So it's not just the rings, but impending wrinkles and creases that are combated with the use of the pads.Even if many people in their twenties don't want to hear about it: if you try early, you'll have less work later.

Seven (plus 1) tips for beautiful eyes

Here we describe in a few simple steps how to use the eye pads:

1) In order to achieve 100 percent of the effect, thorough cleaning of the eye area is mandatory.Ideally with a gentle foam or cleansing milk.Even if you haven't had makeup on before, this process is important.The skin will still be burdened by sebum, cream or sweat residues.

2) Take the pad out of the package and carefully place it under one eye.The position is very important: ideally it should be close to the lower edge of the eye.Of course without touching it.

3) Press both pads lightly onto the skin.This prevents unwanted slipping.

4) Eye pads remain on the skin for between 10 and 20 minutes.Then they released their active ingredients into the skin.No longer please, because dry pads can actually contribute to wrinkling.

5) After removing the pads, a dense area of ​​active substance remains on the skin.Just don't wipe away! Instead, massage into the tissue with gentle, circular movements.

6) When the first 5 points have been met, apply a moisturizing cream to the eye area.This is how you fight dark circles even more intensively.

7) More than one application per week is needed to achieve a lasting effect.However, the recommendation of the respective manufacturer should be followed carefully.

  1. 8) Eye pads not only develop their power under the eyes.Professionals also use it to treat unwanted forehead wrinkles, crow's feet or laugh lines around the mouth.

A few more tips

We also have other tips that will make your eyes shine again:

  • Relaxation is the solution! It's certainly no news that rest and breaks are good for the body.Especially in stressful times, be it at work, but also in private life, you need a break.Close your eyes, take a deep breath, listen to your body - and not just for a moment.Whoever presses the stop button will always look fresher and younger.
  • Sports – just do it! Those who exercise regularly, even really exhaust themselves, live healthier.The blood flow leads to an improved oxygen supply to the tissue.A simple anti-aging program that doesn't have to cost anything.
  • Say no...! To alcohol, to fast food, to tobacco products! At a young age, these temptations may be reasonable (but never wise) in moderation.But from the late 20s, these sins are a trigger for premature skin aging.And that also means dark circles under the eyes.It's just not worth it.

When health is the problem

Finally, a few words about health.In most cases, dark circles are a purely cosmetic “emergency”.And to correct with relatively manageable means.If you don't have any chilled eyepads at home, you can use a spoon from the fridge or slices of cucumber.But grandma's favorite tip still applies: apply two cooled tea bags to the eye area for 10 minutes.

But: There are also shadows that portend evil.Apart from the lack of oxygen in the blood mentioned above.There are also inflammatory skin diseases that lead to visible pigment and color changes under the eyes.The same applies to eye diseases, which are then not only associated with shadows, but also with swollen bags under the eyes.If the problems don't subside after a short time, then the next trip doesn't lead to the fridge (with the eyepads) but straight to the doctor.There is a need for clarification here.And there is usually more at stake than just the beauty of the (eye) view.