Winter Acne: Top Tips for Healing Skin

Winterakne: Die besten Tipps zur Heilung der Haut

What flowers most often in winter? This question is part of an old dermatologist joke.The answer is: pimples.Unfair, but unfortunately very true.The cold season is the season of spots – the so-called winter acne.In addition to rosacea and neurodermatitis, it is the most common unsightly side effect of low temperatures.Anyone who now believes that old age protects against this problem is wrong.Acne in its frosty form has many faces - from young to old.In this article, the 48grams blog clarifies the origin, combat but also the myths.Our wish is that we all have fewer skin problems!

From acne vulgaris to acne tarda

To explain winter acne, let's start with a few basic facts about why we get pimples in the first place.Between 80 to 95 (!) percent of all teenagers suffer from it.The manifestations are different.The lucky ones are just annoyed by a multitude of blackheads, but the majority (sorry, that always sounds disgusting) has to deal with red pustules including pus accumulation.Doctors speak of "acne vulgaris".Those who are really unlucky live with the so-called "acne conglobata": The tissue is covered in places with a crust or shows abscesses and pronounced nodules.Urgent advice: A dermatologist must be consulted here - otherwise there is a risk of scarring.And that really never looks nice.The third form is “acne tarda”, late acne.Men over 50 are particularly affected.The reason: our way of life.Too much stress, bad nutrition, too little exercise.

More and more cases of winter acne

By the way, the increase in the number of cases has been scientifically proven.A study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found an 11 percent increase in the occurrence of moderate to severe acne during the cold season.Andrea Schlöbe from the Society for Dermopharmacy in Cologne puts it in a nutshell: “Skin diseases often worsen in winter.”

Whey proteins from trigger

But why does our skin go haywire? Why are we standing in front of the mirror and desperately annoyed by the shiny red sprouting? Even after 100 years of research, science still cannot give a definitive answer.There are many theories – and of course myths.Too much chocolate can trigger it.At least that's what many parents say to their children.Well... there seems to be a grain of truth in that.A connection between dairy products and acne has been identified in laboratories.The whey proteins lead to increased insulin production and this in turn is said to initiate the formation of pimples.Yes, that is still very daring.In addition to the ban on chocolate, the parental recommendation should also include all kinds of dairy products.

pimples and drugs and hormones

But the following triggers have definitely been clarified: Hormonal changes in the body.Of course, this mainly affects young people in the growth phase.But the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline can also be to blame.Medications and improper skin care (!) are also responsible.

When sebaceous glands become clogged

Before we come to winter acne, a brief explanation of how pimples develop: Our skin (fortunately) has many glands that release an oil called sebum to the surface of the tissue.As a result, a useful film is formed, a protective layer against external influences.But when the pores become clogged, bacteria collect in the sebum; the result is a small inflammation, a kind of defense reaction of the body.The white blood cells do the work, fighting the bacteria.The result is visible as a lump of pus on the skin's surface.Et voilà: the pimple.

Winter reduces skin protection

What can (but doesn't have to) heal in summer due to the warm temperatures and, above all, the UV light of the sun, becomes a real problem in winter.The protective layer of the skin is simply thinner, the change from cold air to heated rooms causes dehydration.The tissue threatens to crack and scales form.Bacteria can now penetrate from the outside and multiply unhindered.But there is also a second reason: In the frosty season, sebum production is in full swing.The risk of the glands becoming blocked and the "normal" occurrence of pimples described above increases significantly.It's frustrating that the skin's protective mechanisms can also trigger winter acne.

Expression is (always) forbidden

Now that we know the triggers and effects of frostbite... of course we need to talk about the third A - the remedy.First things first: Squeezing the inflamed bumps is never a good idea.Not in summer, certainly not in winter.The already injured skin is torn open and scarred as a result.Before that, bacteria can penetrate through the wound even more easily.Inevitably, the infection will get worse.So… please, please… fingers off your face.As difficult as it is.

With mastic and edelweiss against acne

Caring for the skin is crucial in winter.It's about finding the right balance.Particularly dry skin needs greasy creams.But if you overdo it, you will clog your sebum glands.The consequence: exactly, see above.Dermatologists recommend products high in shea butter.As far as cleaning the skin is concerned, everything that can lead to additional dehydration must be avoided.Spicy scrubs are on the no-go list during the cold season.We at 48grams recommend mild fruit acid peels.And a subsequent treatment with oil-free creams.Or a serum that allows even more moisture to penetrate the skin with hyaluronic acid.If the winter acne is already showing its – pardon me – ugly face, then often the only thing that can help is going to the dermatologist. Creams with mastic oil or edelweiss extract have a supporting effect.Both ingredients promote the (de)healing of the skin.

Nutrition and fluids

And of course there are general tips against the sprouting pimples.No, we don't mean: eat less chocolate.It also makes you happy.At least if you enjoy them in moderation.But basically, a slight change in diet can work wonders.The formula is: less sugar, less fat, but more vitamins and fiber.Also: A lot of water helps a lot.Anyone who moisturizes their body from the inside (eight glasses a day are recommended) supports the recovery of the skin.

Finally - as already mentioned: What works wonders against acne in summer is also right in winter: UV light triggers the healing process.At the 48grams blog, we even take short walks during our lunch breaks during the cold season to recharge our skin.Even if it's cold outside and often overcast - the power of the sun and plenty of oxygen ensure a better look.And that, in turn, makes us feel better.